Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Expert Problem

Julia Hanna and I recently discussed the "Expert Problem".

What does it mean to be an expert? Does it mean that you know things that other people do not? Or does it mean that you have an exclusive right to speak on a certain topic, while others do not?

Today,  if you do have education and even government certification in a certain field, you are expected to toe the party line of your profession. The truth of any assertion is judged by the percentage of "experts" who agree to any given statement. Even world renowned primatologists are not permitted to stray from consensus of what is "The Truth" in their field. If you are not an expert, you might even be kept from sharing articles in a peer reviewed journal. Is this in order to protect the public from "fake news"? Or is this the latest form of establishment censorship of any view but the one the powers that be approve?


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