In the 19th century, it was common for people to keep scrapbooks in which they copied poetry and philosophy that appealed to them, interspersed with clippings from the newspaper and very personal family mementos. It was the closest thing to a Facebook page that they had, and sometimes one person would write in another person 's notebook or scrapbook. If you are interested in this, you can find out more about it at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center in Liberty, Texas, where many of the artifacts concerning the life of Jean Laffite and his family are stored.
Even before I knew this about Jean Laffite, I imagined that as a world traveler, he had come across some aspects of Chinese culture and being an open-minded speculative thinker, he may have adopted some of what he learned. So in Theodosia and the Pirates, I had Jean Laffite deal with Theodosia's morning sickness by applying pressure to the correct spot, according to acupuncture, to relieve her nausea. In the book, he says he learned this from a Chinese sailor.
Just as Jean Laffite was influenced by Chinese culture, I also wish to have an influence back on Chinese culture, so it is my great desire that my novel, Theodosia and the Pirates, should one day be translated into Chinese.
So far though. all that I have managed to accomplish in that directions is to translate the synopsis of Theodosia and the Pirates into Chinese.
In the following book trailer, the narrative is the Chinese synopsis.